Collection: Yuzamashi

A yuzamashi is an essential tea utensil in Japanese tea ceremonies, used to cool down hot water to the optimal temperature for brewing tea. In the tea ceremony process, pouring boiling water directly into the teapot or tea bowl can burn the tea leaves and ruin their delicate flavors. The yuzamashi helps prevent this issue.

First, the boiling water is transferred to the yuzamashi to cool down slightly before being poured into the teapot or tea bowl. This ensures the tea is brewed at the ideal temperature, bringing out the subtle flavors of the tea leaves. Yuzamashi come in various shapes and materials, including ceramic, porcelain, and glass, adding an aesthetic element to the tea experience.

In addition to its use in tea ceremonies, a yuzamashi is also a handy tool for everyday tea brewing. By using a yuzamashi, you can easily enjoy more flavorful and perfectly brewed tea.